"Discovery and Adventure" trips are on-demand trips. We can help you discover All of Indonesia (from Sumatra to Papua) and East Timor. "DISCOVERY" tripsWe want to help you discover Indonesia in an intimate and personalized way. The number of motorcycles ranges from 1 to 4, unless special request. Passenger can join. It's Free ! You will be accompanied by one or two road captain guides depending on the destination. In "Discovery" trips we offer: East Java - Bali - Lombok - Sumbawa - Komodo - Flores - Sumba. At your choice. "ADVENTURE" tripsIn order to have more freedom in the Adventure and in case we do not reach accommodation, we leave independently with tents and camping equipment. We want to help you discover Indonesia in an intimate and personalized way. The number of motorcycles ranges from 1 to 4, unless special request. Passenger can join. It's Free ! You will be accompanied by one or two road captain guides depending on the destination. In "Adventure" trips we offer: Savu - Indonesian Timor & Timor-Leste - Sumatra - Kalimantan (Borneo) - Sulawesi (Celebes) - Moluccas (Moluques) - Iran Jaya ( Papua) as a single or combined destination. |